If you would like to register or transfer to Gardens Medical Group, please read the FAQ and complete the following form.
We'll use the information submitted to validate your OHIP. Once complete, we will invite you by email to schedule a new patient intake appointment with Dr. Galkin (a "Meet & Greet" appointment).
We will get back to you within 5 business days from complete registration application
Completing this form in the first step in registering at Gardens Medical Group.
You do not automatically or immediately become a patient.
Instead, you’ll be invited to have an intake appointment with Dr. Galkin. Only at the end of that appointment, should you decide to proceed, will you become a patient.
No. If you currently have a family doctor, please register with us only if you intend to transfer your medical care from your current family physician (i.e. leave your current family physician).
Yes. Kindly complete this form in its entirety for each individual.
In the comment section, please mention the relationship between the individuals.
Our standard policy is that we do not accept infants or children under 5 years of age unless at least one parent or guardian is enrolled as a patient as well.
Please also fill out the form for your child if you decide to start the registration process for yourself.
The following images explain what your health number and version code are, for different health card versions. It is important that this information be provided to us correctly so that we may properly validate your OHIP.
Source: Health Card Validation Reference Manual - Ontario
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